Want to make your own floral bath soak? It's easy - here's how.

There's something magical about soaking in a bath - it's time just for myself, where my muscles & mind can unwind. I like to add some extra medicine in the form of Epsom salts & flowers, so I've started making floral bath soaks. I often make mine on the Full Moon to infuse a little extra magic & ritual into my life, but you can craft these anytime your heart desires.

I use whatever I'm craving at that moment or simply what's on hand (which is usually exactly what I need). I'll set an intention before I start & hum or sing while mixing. I make enough to fill a large jar & use it for the entire moon cycle.

Rather than give you a solid recipe or ritual for this, I encourage you to use your intuition & have fun!

* if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding, please check with a health professional before using products with essential oils.

Full Moon Floral Soak

Ingredients: Epsom Salts // Dried Flowers // Essential Oils

Measure out enough Epsom salts to fill a jar, leaving room for your flowers. Pour the salts into a large mixing bowl & add a few handfuls of petals, stirring them together. Add your essential oil(s) a few drops at a time, going slowly & remembering that you can always add more, but you can't take them out. Stir it all together while stating your intention & pour them back into the jar when you feel complete.

Add a handful or two to your bath each time you have one (cover the drain with a fine strainer to keep it from clogging).

Want to experiment with other bath soaks? We carry some gorgeous ones - you’ll find them here.


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