One Simple Way to Make Your Daily Life a Little More Magic

A Ritual for the Full Moon

I love working with the moon phases to track time in a way that feels beautiful to me; it adds a bit of magic to my everyday life. And isn't that what ritual is supposed to do? Infuse our days with meaning & connect us to something divine (whatever that looks like to you).

With that in mind, I propose a simple practice: choose something that nourishes your soul, & do that for an entire moon cycle. It can be physical (like daily movement), spiritual (like prayer or a gratitude practice) or practical (like trying a new recipe or a soak with healing herbs), as elaborate or simple as you'd like, as often as you feel capable of doing.

This all might sound very vague & like a lot of steps for a "simple" practice, but the only thing you're here doing is checking in with yourself & asking what you need. The rest is up to you.

Personally, I'm craving a bit more ritual in my routine right now, so I'll be doing a few:

  • Gentle daily movement ~ whether it's a Yin yoga class, walking outdoors, or dancing & stretching to this playlist, spending time every day connecting with my body

  • Set an intention for the day before I get out of bed ~ with three deep breaths, choosing a simple "I AM" statement to come back to when my mind starts getting frazzled or my energy feels unsettled

  • Lighting a candle every evening ~ while giving thanks for the blessings during my day {I do this once in a while & it feels good, so I'd love to add it to my daily routine}

I encourage you to spend some time this Full Moon checking in with yourself & listening to what your body, mind & heart would love more. You can write your practices down, put a reminder in your phone, or share your intentions with someone you love. I invite you to let go of any pressure for perfection with this ritual; trust your flow & process.

Some questions to consider:

  • What do you feel called to practice?

  • How often are you craving it?

  • Is there anyone you'd like to share this with, or is it something for yourself (or perhaps a mixture of both)?

PS: you can of course start this practice at any time you feel called to, you don’t have to wait for a Full Moon!


Welcome, Sagittarius Season


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